homemade almond milk

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Recently, a friend was telling me how store bought almond milk really doesn’t have that much actual almond in it. It was one of those things that made total sense, same with all the ingredients (some scary ones) that keep its shelf life for a couple months. So in the spirit of being more of a basic SoCal blonde, I started making my own almond milk!

I don’t think I can ever go back to store bought after mastering this craft. I usually make a batch twice a week, because it only stays fresh for about 3-4 days…and I also go through it faster than that! A lot of my friends have been asking for the recipe so I thought I would share it here in this space! If you have any suggestions or tips on your recipe, drop a comment below!

What you need:

Depending on whether you have a blender or a smaller nutri bullet, you may need to do the next step in batches. With a nutri bullet, I do about three to four rounds.

wishful thinking that my mom hopefully reads this and sees what kind of dilemma I’m in  🙂


  • 3-4 cups of almonds (I get mine at Trader Joes or Costco)
  • 3-5 pitted dates, depending how sweet you want it. Remove the pits before blending!
  • Cinnamon, vanilla, sea salt, flax seed, or anything else you want to add some flavor
  • Cheesecloth
  • Mason Jar (a few small ones or a large one)


After soaking the almonds overnight, drain the original water used. Using the old water will turn the almond milk brown and not taste good at all. (Not to be confused with the picture below. That is mixed with cinnamon, dates, and the fresh water will turn a little dark from that and the almonds!)


Add dates, vanilla, and another additional ingredients you want. Add filtered water, you want to have enough in there so that it’s easy to strain and you get more milk out of it. This is really up to your discretion and may take a few tries! This picture is a pretty accurate display of how much water I add to each batch. But if you like to thin it out more, just add more water.

After blending for about 20-30 seconds, start pouring the mixture in to a cheesecloth. This will take a few rounds to strain the entire batch. Also be sure to try your mixture when you go through the first round to gage the sweetness and flavor. I like to use a measuring cup to catch the milk so it is easy to pour into a mason jar after.

Yes, we joke about what this looks like as you massage the cheesecloth… go on! Nothing to see here! And if you don’t get it now, you’ll understand when you get to this step and your boyfriend asks what the hell you’re doing…


Voila! You’ve got yourself some kickass almond milk (and a whole new inside joke to laugh about with your friends). I love using my almond milk to make lattes in the morning, or for overnight oats. You may even find your significant other trying to pour some in their coffee…! There’s also the concept of using the ground almonds. I’ve heard of people dehydrating it and making almond flour, or just adding it to smoothies for extra protein. I have yet to get into that project, but if you have any tips let me know!

What do you like to use almond milk for? Leave a comment below!

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My Reiki coach, Lisa, recently gave me an assignment. For one week, she wanted me to just “be”. Instead of running from my emotions and anxieties, I was to sit still, meditate more, get out in nature, and really be with my feelings. Another thing she wanted me to do was to speak with any parts of me that came up (i.e. anxiety, fear, courage, love) and just to love them, instead of pushing them away. So yeah, I was talking to myself a lot too, nothing new.

Since moving to California, its been both exciting and scary–here I am, where I’ve been wanting to live and now its time to figure it all out…

“Where will I work?”

“How am I going to meet the right people?”

“What is my passion?”

“How am I going to figure this all out?”

So instead of running to Target for the millionth time, buying something I most definitely don’t need, I was forced to sit. I was encouraged to just be. No real plans, just seeing where the wind took me. A lot of this revolved around expectations, and Lisa encouraged me to really get clear on what they mean. During this week I had a powerful shift, and I’ll share with you the journal entry that really impacted me and my life practice:

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Part of this exercise this past week (most of it) was about expectations. I would sound off Lisa and say expectations are bullshit. Expectations go with manipulation. They derive from old patterns, beliefs, family dynamics, history. Nobody knows the answer, so how can I fear/believe that they know the answer for my life? 

I’ve been worrying all week that I’m not doing the assignment right. I’m not sitting wth myself and sitting still as much as I was told to. But those times I did meditate, repeat mantras, journal, talk to the aspects of me (and love them), and sit down to read and do some of Gabby Bernstein’s work had so much power, it makes me believe that doing more of it will intensify. I believe that I have a huge calling. I know that the Universe has big plans. But for now, I must learn through every experience. 

In just a few days, I have been given so many opportunities and have just believe and said yes. I will figure out the rest as I go…

Part of me feels like Lisa will be disappointed in my work this week. But the other part of me hears her sigh of relief knowing that I am paving my own way beautifully as me. Expectations, right? She simply assigned something to me and it was up to me to discipline myself and discern how it was going to go. It was up to the Universe, my divine being, to pave it out. I hope that I am correct in this thought, but feel like Lisa would agree because expectations are bullshit. But vacillation is here, and I love her so much. She and indecision are two special ones that make me who I am. 

Everything I’ve just accepted to do is about to be a huge lesson. I can feel it. So here’s to venturing out, letting my higher self carry the torch before me, and give me the strength to love myself so much that I create my own destiny. She’s telling me to REMEMBER: nobody is out to get you, and it’s nobody’s fault, they are simply a mirror for me and I will love them. I create my destiny. I am the center of my universe. Love will guide me. Universe is saying “have no fear in the power that you hold for yourself, it’s time to step into it!” 


Pretty powerful, right? If this assignment calls to you, I really think it’s worth trying! Now I am more mindful in my everyday interactions with myself and others and know when to unplug from the world, get out in nature, or just simply be still.


For those of you interested in Reiki or any spiritual life coaching, I highly recommend finding someone that you really connect with before just going for the first google match in your area. Lisa was my hair stylist in Colorado, and once I saw she did Life Coaching it just unfolded organically. She is incredible if you live in Aspen/Snowmass, and also does Reiki distant work! Her website here! Trust your intuition, you will know the right one for you 🙂


finding peace

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Image via pen_friend

Devan and I just spent ten days exploring Maui. My parents spent time there years ago during my dad’s windsurfing days. It was so cool to visit and feel their presence in certain areas of the Island. However, a common trend of travel for me lately is taking my mind out of the beautiful present and focusing on what’s out of my control.

Just before leaving for this trip, the word “presence” kept entering my mind. It’s easy to get caught up in “future thinking”, as my life coach calls it. We all know that…be present, live in the moment, blah blah. But seriously, when we are too caught up in our thoughts and not enjoying what’s in front of us, we miss out on a lot…


Photo taken at the Ali’i Kula Lavender Farm in Maui

Devan encouraged me to try out Headspace, since I have been very inconsistent with my own meditation. The app has been a great way to sit down every day and tune out from the world for only ten minutes. It also gives you the option to have reminders sent throughout the day, with different facts and quotes regarding mindfulness. I think the best way to stay consistent is through routine–adding just ten minutes of meditation to a normal everyday routine, such as brushing your teeth.

Not to mention..how cool is it that my boyfriend keeps me in check with mindfulness and meditation? I love this element of our relationship, and am so grateful to have someone like him!

Another component to let go and be present is to forgive yourself. Yes, let yourself off the hook! We aren’t always perfect–I can tell you that considering I spent a lot of the trip future thinking. So on one of our last days, as I sat on the beach watching the surf, I forgave myself and it felt like a weight was lifted. I felt my feet ground into the sand, I focused on the waves and the setting sun, and I just clicked into the moment. And then, just like that, things started falling into place. Pretty soon after, (and after some trial and error with other housing applications) a housing opportunity came up and we decided to make the move to Encinitas! This move to  the San Diego area has been on our minds, but I think just going for it was the best thing for us to make a decision.

I had this post drafted before leaving Hawaii, and of course it’s taken me this long to post! So now I’m sitting in my new kitchen in beautiful southern California. Somehow we got here, and I am so content with that. Our nest is coming along and I love seeing the progress.

However, I have felt disconnected in some ways during these memorable days. I know it’s time to get back into a routine and embrace this new chapter in our lives. As we were leaving Colorado, I felt like I was in a haze. I knew these moments were memorable and tried so hard to take them all in.

My biggest takeaway from leaving though: I met some pretty awesome people this past year that will continue to be a part of my journey, and I am so lucky for that!

I’ve started to understand synchronicity as a real and powerful thing–a lot of us are experiencing some of the same feelings, ideas and/or revelations at the same time. I am so grateful for my synched up tribe, and can’t wait to meet more people out here.

My thought for today is: why not just be you? What is actually holding you back? It’s usually your own self, and I say that because I do the same thing. But when we align ourselves with our own truth, let our own guard down and just trust the universe, life starts to shift in the right direction.




When I was little, running around barefoot was normal. My feet would get filthy, and I’d have to rinse them off every time I got home from playing in the neighborhood.

I remember this because it’s not so normal to be barefoot when you grow up. But when you are, do you really think about the earth beneath you? Do you really take in the ground you’re walking on?


Okay, I’m not barefoot here but it’s a cool picture

I ask this because I have been thinking about being really grounded. Connecting with nature, but also feeling my being rooted in the earth. I have such a vivid memory of walking barefoot in Sydney. I forget who said it, but as my trip was coming to an end they said something along the lines of really embracing each moment, and feeling the ground beneath me. I can always go back to my morning routine: walking barefoot to the beach across the street, feeling the sand as I headed towards the cool ocean, and walking along the brick path to get coffee after. I know in that moment I truly felt the earth that I was walking on.

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Okay, back to the present…

Now that I live in [another] beautiful and natural paradise, I have wanted to get more connected. So I found out that there is such thing as “Grounding” or “Earthing.” Clearly this concept has been around for a while so I apologize for being late in the game… but if you’re with me and didn’t realize that Grounding is an actual practice then read further!

Grounding is the concept of standing barefoot on the ground outside. It is known to balance us out as negative ions from the earth’s surface enter into our body and discharge the free radicals we pick up from our daily routine. Basically, it’s like plugging into the source, where the earth’s magic comes in and wipe away ions containing disease, aging and inflammation.

In Baptiste yoga, we emphasize grounding down to lift up. Feeling all four corners of your feet on the mat, connecting into the energy of the earth, it’s powerful to focus on that in your practice. Another concept of grounding that is powerful when mindful.

Just writing this post makes me want to go run around barefoot… how about you?




the high priestess

Woah.. did the universe flex its muscles this week. Or, for the past month or so for that matter…

I have been patiently pulling from The Wild Unknown tarot card deck for about a year now. I purchased the cards and booklet when I was in Australia three (ugh, yes, three) years ago. I played with them here and there, but really started diving deep this past year. Sometimes I would pull some scary cards and not want to believe it. I mean, pulling the death card isn’t the most comforting card…but I sometimes took it too literally or even applied it to the wrong thing, which I then focused my energy on and stressed over too much.

So I have had a pattern of pulling the high priestess card, almost always the third card. I believe the cards represent past, present and future. So with this being a future card, what could it possibly mean for me?


Upon reading the card’s message, and some more online, it is simply the truth that is for me. From what I understand, the card is asking me to sit with myself, even in the dark places that I hide from, and learn to trust the inner voice. Just looking at this strong, ever so sure tiger tells me to be strong with myself and trust my inner knowing.


That being said, some doors have been shut. I was too afraid to let go of some things, not listening to the voice within. I was also making myself miserable by choosing to be emotionally invested. So the Universe pulled some strings, whether I wanted it that way or not.

This may sound vague, only because I am still processing, but I will share more soon. What I do know is that I will come back stronger and rise above anything I do not believe in. This has been a powerful lesson.

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take time to tune in and listen to the voice within. trust.

I am ready for new beginnings. I believe that closing these doors will very soon lead to the opening of a beautiful landscape in my life. Aspen is such a beautiful place for me on my journey, always reminding me that there is no end goal, but just to live the journey of life.

And if I’ve learned anything recently… nobody knows the right way to live life. Advice is always helpful, but know that YOU know your own way. Be strong, and trust that the Universe will always guide you home.


next step


Woah.. so this is a major transition phase. I’m currently at home resetting before my next move, and I am all over the place! It’s crazy to think that my entire life has been shaped by the “next step”: you go to school and work towards the next grade, apply to high school, apply to college, and now what? Sure, I could just keep moving into an entry level job and climb the corporate ladder, but I don’t see any happiness and fulfillment there. So instead, I’m choosing to spend this time discovering more about myself and what kind of impact I want to have on the world.

(To those of you who went straight to work, I’m not totally hating on you.. some of you already knew what you wanted and I respect you for your drive!)

Anyways, this time is not easy. I know it’s not supposed to be. I have so many things I want to do, so many places I want to see, and for some reason feel like there’s not enough time. I can already tell that in the future I will look back and think I was crazy to think I had so little time to see the world. But at the same time, I don’t want to sit back and let time fly.


So for now, I am trying to seek comfort in the chaos. I hope to learn and grow in the next year through new experiences. I want to take on different jobs and discover what drives me the most. My dream would be to be able to travel for my career…how cool would it be to travel with the World Surf League? I am passionate about the action sport industry, so I plan to spend this time finding what works best for me.

But at the same time, I am not locking myself into any commitments yet, as tempting as it is to be comfortable. I long to be in my home base, but have the rest of my life to do that. I want to make sure I experience as much as I can, and believe that these lessons will land me in the right place at the right time. It won’t be easy, but I know it’s right for me!


[ be sure to follow my Instagram for updates! ]

[ You can also see what inspires me on Pinterest! ]



Suluban Beach, Bali

It’s funny, how when people ask me about my tattoo, somehow with a sort of smirk (or so I think). I just smile and say, “it’s my Australian souvenir” or “you know, I really wanted the word dreamer tattooed on my wrist, so I got it.” Sure, it has its moments, I look at it and wonder why I would do that…and hey, maybe I’ll get it removed one day. But sometimes, it reminds me of the mindset I was in, and the phase in my life where the whole thing took place.


After a few days…sorry mom!

I wrote lists of reasons why I’m a dreamer. I was in such a state of bliss-I had traveled across the world and was on my own for six months. I was completely vulnerable, figuring out who I was and how I wanted to be around others. It was messy…there were times I wish I could redo, but I learned so much about myself. There is a power to being vulnerable.

I was enamored by the moon, doing my walk home from yoga at night. I never felt more safe, walking alone down the steep hill on Beach Street. I would just look up, amazed at the glowing moon, and felt so close to home. I remember walking by Coogee Pavilion, with the dull roar of families and friends chatting, laughing and enjoying their time. I would walk out to the railing, watching the moonlight shine over the water-the waves pushing and pulling in the sea. There was so much magic to the whole thing. Such a simple task-getting from Clovelly to Coogee-walking home from yoga somehow became such a meaningful memory.

Leaving Australia was far from easy. I’ll never forget the chaos of leaving Michelle and her kids. I was a wreck! Not to mention the embarrassing amount of luggage that I rolled away  with… I was in such a daze, and felt so sad leaving such an incredible place. During my flight, I wrote pages and pages of memories, thoughts and feelings in my journal. At one point, I was just writing these random lines of thoughts that came through my head, almost like a stream of consciousness. I remember reading an article about Cara Delvigne, where she said some moment in her life “lit a fire” in her, and that really resonated with me. I felt like Australia really lit this fire that gave me so much confidence in myself and my direction.


Gordon’s Bay along the coast walk

So you’d think that meant I came home ready to conquer everything and be in the perfect situation? Wrong. Little did I know, the work had just begun. I came home without really realizing the shock it would cause to my system. Here I am with all of these tools, ready to live my new lifestyle, with nobody understanding my progress. I had just spent months with people who watched me grow, and now I was out of my element. I let go of someone I love, all for the chance to learn more about myself and be vulnerable. And boy, was I vulnerable. I connected with these people who in the end hurt me, but I look back now feeling stronger. I was embarrassed, sad, disappointed, and kept coming back for more. I put my feelings on the line, and got what I deserved in the end. I don’t take any of it back, because I am now sure of what I want in someone and the amount of respect I have for myself. Not everyone in the world has the best intentions for you-but I believe that there’s a lesson to be learned in the end.

And now here I am, just a few weeks past graduation. I finished college! I stuck out all four years in Dallas and ended up loving it. It’s incredible to think that there is a new chapter so close to beginning, and I can’t wait. I can feel that there are about to be some beautiful adventures to come. If you’ve made it this far into my post, I applaud you. Sorry for the feelings… I know I have been off my blogging game, but I have struggled to come up with what I want to share. Despite the big changes happening now, I still feel like there is a lull. I know that with what’s to come, I will be sharing a lot with all of you!

So to come full circle with this, the term dreamer continues to add new meanings. It’s a reminder of my experience abroad, what it represented for me at that time, to continue exploring, stay true to myself, and always be open to something new–with all the lessons I’ve learned along the way. Call it a list of cliches, but it’s become a symbol of my identity, and I’m proud of it



[ be sure to follow my Instagram for updates! ]

natural healers


[aaaand that’s not me]

It’s that time of year where gym memberships increase, the yoga studio is extra packed, and you’ll most likely spot someone downing a  cold pressed green juice (probably the only thing they’re drinking for a few days…yuck!)

Let me say, that I’ve tried the juice cleanses, the two week detoxes and even tried to cut dairy and gluten. All attempts were a total bust…for me at least. I just sat there craving everything I couldn’t have, and then would end up binge eating a jar of peanut butter. Instead, I’ve found it helpful to add natural healing ingredients to my daily routine, making me feel more refreshed and energized.

Below is a list of my top 5 favorite detox ingredients. I find these helpful in addition to a healthy diet, and less guilt with those meals I like to indulge in once in a while!

  • turmeric 
    • Turmeric is known as a natural anti-inflammatory. It can be used for all sorts of things, from cooking to beauty products. I like to use fresh turmeric juice and mix it with lemon water. This drink helps with digestion and eases inflammation as well.
    • There are also turmeric supplements, for those of you who don’t have turmeric shots at your local juice bar.
    • Learn more about the variety of health benefits of turmeric here.
  • charcoal
    • I’ve blogged about the healing power of charcoal here, and still stand by it. There are charcoal supplements to take, but I recommend Dirty Lemon Detox for a short term cleanse to reset after holiday eating and drinking. Charcoal is known to strip toxins from the inside, helping cleanse your body and leave you feeling refreshed.

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[image from dirtylemon.com]

  • lemons
    • Lemons are also a great addition to your morning routine. I like to have a tall glass of water with fresh squeezed lemon in the morning, helping get my system started for the day.
  • ginger
    • Ginger is another powerful root that I like to incorporate, especially if I’m feeling a cold coming on. I like to get a shot of fresh ginger with a little cayenne pepper. If I already have a cold, this fiery shot helps relieve sinus pressure instantly!
  • water!
    • Need I say more? Water is the most important cleanser for the body. Make sure to drink the appropriate amount of water in accordance with your body weight! Water keeps your digestive system moving, your skin from drying, and also suppresses hunger.

*you can also follow my clean living board on Pinterest for other tips that I’ve found!




Happy New Year!

2015 has been an incredible year. It’s been full of fun and many lessons. I am confident that 2016 will be even better, I can’t wait!

I’ve totally been slacking on my blog, I apologize! One of my new years resolutions is to share more on my site, so expect more to come this year!

I hope you all had a wonderful new years, here’s to another amazing year!


if i had 24 hours in sydney…

It’s been a year since I’ve been in Sydney and (go figure) I miss it so much! I can’t wait to visit again soon, but when I daydream all I think about are the top things I would do if I had one day to spend in Australia again….
IMG_3245First, I would go for my morning swim in Coogee. I lived right across the street from the beach and couldn’t go about my day without a fresh dip in the cool water.One day, a girl who worked at Love Juice in Coogee Pavillion told me she was very jealous of my morning routine, seeing as I would show up wrapped in a towel, with wet salty hair and sandy feet. I’ll never forget when she told me “you never regret a swim”…which takes me back to a time that I told myself that as I jumped into the rough, sea-weedy water on a stormy day… might have regretted that one.


Wrapped in my towel and barefoot, I’d make my way over to Coogee Pavillion. I’d get an almond flat white and chat with my favorite people working there. Coogee Pavillion was one of my favorite Marivale restaurants–I’d do anything to go back for some pizza there too! I found myself sitting at he high tops for hours on end working on school work and my blog. It was peaceful to watch all of the people coming and going, and seeing people walk along the beach sidewalk.

IMG_1362I wouldn’t think twice about doing the coast walk! I love going on walks with friends or sometimes alone to clear my head. Each bay throughout the hike was so special and beautiful. The picture above is Gordon’s Bay, just at the beginning of my coast walk….


…and at the end are the Bondi Icebergs! I never went for a swim in any of the ocean pools, but I was so fascinated by them! The water from the ocean would flow right into the pools.

IMG_2683And then there was brekky at Porch and Parlour at the very end of the walk! I could eat there for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I had my way! 
IMG_2835At some point in the day, I’d be sure to pay a visit to my Aussie family! Michelle is like my second mom (I love you too, mom!!) And her kids are like my younger sisters and brother. This was when we went to Opera Bar to see the sunset before seeing a show at the Opera House. It was such a beautiful night!IMG_2708And OF COURSE, I would go to Messina for the best ice cream in the entire world. I’m pretty sure Messina was the leading cause of my weight gain in Sydney, but it was so worth it! They have a list of specials every week, and the line is always down the block!


Dinner would 100% be at Three Blue Ducks. I love sitting up at the bar and having hand made cocktails with kangaroo tartare and their pork belly! Yeah, you probably just read that and thought those both sounded equally disgusting, but don’t knock it till you try it! They also just opened The Farm at Byron Bay, which I will definitely be visiting next time I am there!

So there you go…I’ve hopefully sold you on Sydney, and successfully made myself want to cry after making this post. It is such an incredible place, I can’t wait to go back and explore more!
